Slave's Corner: Slave Yoga

Kneel with jaxamous as she discuses the life of a BDSM slave. This week she discuses a great way for a bottom/submissive/slave to stay in shape in order to remain able to best serve their Top/Dominant/Master in the best way possible, Slave Yoga!

As a slave, it’s my job to keep myself healthy and strong. I lost that focus many moons ago and I’ve recently been working to get back on the right track. My fitness journey has lead me in many directions, Yoga being one of them. Yoga plays such a huge part in our day to day movements as vanilla individuals. Throwing the fact that I’m a slave and into bondage into the mix, it comes into play even more. It focuses on lengthening your muscles and stretching your body through developing core strength and breathing/meditation.

The positions listed below are beginner(ish) and will assist in many positions you may be asked to stay in as a bottom. Your core is one of the most important parts of your body. Without it, holding your body upright let alone in a position for your Top will be extremely difficult. This is a comprehensive list of positions I believe will benefit you in some way as a bottom. Pick a 10-15 minute time period, a few positions you would like to try, research how to execute them properly along with proper breathing techniques, and give it a shot. Hold your core, relax your shoulders, and focus on the muscles stretching and breathing deeply and slowly. Doing this kind of daily routine will assist with your stamina, strength, agility, and flexibility. 

Please make note: I am not a fitness or Yoga professional/teacher. Please utilize your resources, such as YouTube, to learn the correct techniques or attend a class at a local studio to begin. Please consult a doctor before attempting any new workout plans.

Standing core strengthening/lengthening poses to consider are:
"Big toe" Pose/ padangusthasana
Chair pose/utkatasana
Dolphin pose
Downward facing dog/ adho mukha svanasana
High lunge
Warrior 1/2/3... Virabhadrasana 1/2/3
Mountain pose/ tadasana- resting position
Standing half forward bend/ ardha uttanasana
Upward salute/ urdhva hastasana - good stretch pose
Wide legged forward bend/ parasarita padottanasana
Hip openers:
Childs pose/ balasana: my fav!!!
Reclining bound angle pose/ supta baddha konasana
Wide legged forward bend/ parasarita padottanasana
Core poses/seated poses:
Cat pose/ maryjaryasana
Dolphin plank pose
Happy baby pose/ ananda balasana
Side reclining leg lift/ anantasana
Bharadvaja's twist/ bharadvasjasana 1
Bound angle pose/ baddha konasana
Easy pose/ sukhasana
Half lord of the fishes pose/ ardha mastyendeasana
Head to knee forward bend/ janu sirsasana
Hero pose/ virasana
Marichi's pose/ marichyasana III
Revolved head to knee pose/ parivrtta janu sirsasana
Seated forward bend/ paschimottanasana
Wide angle seated forward bend/ upavistha konasana
Locust pose- salabhasana

Written by: jaxamous